Images in groups for ease of browsing.  Click on each picture for more.

  Scroll to the bottom for an updated list of works completed to date.


Chronological complete list of works in this medium:

  1. 1. The Original                       2003

  2. 2. Longhorn end table             2006*

  3. 3. Longhorn I (Stadler)            2009*

  4. 4. Texas Flag                          2009

  5. 5. Patterns on Blue                  2009

  6. 6. Jacks Backyard                   2009

  7. 7. Blue Star                            2009*

  8. 8. Sun                                    2009*

  9. 9. Swirl                                  2009

  10. 10. Marilyn Blue                      2010

  11. 11. Marilyn Red                       2010*

  12. 12. Smiley Face                       2010*

  13. 13. Longhorn II (Carson)          2010*

  14. 14. TX Flag in TX State             2010*

  15. 15. Blue Nude                         2010

  16. 16. Icarus                                2010*

  17. 17. Keith Haring                      2010

  18. 18. Hummingbird                     2010*

  19. 19. Longhorn III (2 ft. square)   2010*

  20. 20. Blue Star II                         2011*

  21. 21. Dallas Skyline                    2011*

  22. 22. Flur de Lis                          2011*

  23. 23. Longhorn IV (round)           2011*

  24. 24. Mavs Logo                        2011

  25. 25. Mona Lisa                         2011

  26. 26. Longhorn V (State Fair)      2011*

  27. 27. Longhorn VI (State Fair)     2011*

  28. 28. OU Red                            2011*

  29. 29. OU White                         2011

  30. 30. Longhorn VII (Small)          2011*

  31. 31. Red/White N                    2011*

  32. 32. Pike Table                         2011*

  33. 33. Bob Marley                       2012*

  34. 34. DFD Logo                          2012

  35. 35. Marilyn III                         2012

  36. 36. Icarus II                             2012

  37. 37. Longhorn VIII                     2012

  38. 38. Red Buffalo                        2012

  39. 39. TX Flag in TX State II           2012

  40. 40. TX Flag in TX State III          2012         

* signifies a piece that is “un-numbered” (i.e. the number-in-series is not printed on the back of the panel)

TExas flag  2009

the original   2003

Longhorn        (multiple pieces)

Jack’s Backyard  2009

  Blue star  (multiple pieces)

Sun  2009

Swirl  2009

Marilyn monroe

     (multiple pieces)

smiley Face   2010

Texas    2010

Blue Nude   2010

icarus   2010

Hummingbird   2010

Dallas skyline   2011

Keith haring   2011

fleur de lis   2011

Dallas mavericks   2011

bob marley   2012

Dallas Fire Dept.   2012